Paul Revere Academy is a school for ALL students! To revere something is to have deep respect or admiration.  I can’t think of a better word to describe my view on education and to name a school.  At my core, I firmly believe that education is the key to empower individuals in making the best decisions for themselves, their community and our country. No one can take away knowledge, no one has the ability to remove one’s intelligence.  This self-governed power is undervalued and underestimated in our students and our culture. 

As we speak to others about our vision for Paul Revere Academy, a common consensus is that it’s about time!  I can’t believe this has not been done before and why has it taken so long.  We have overcome many obstacles in opening the doors of Paul Revere Academy and can’t wait for the time to come where students will be on our campus, flourishing.  We agree that it is time to rethink education and conform the school around the needs of the student.

As we have done our due diligence and strategically planned a new educational experience, we have found that students drop out or are unsuccessful at school due to a myriad of issues. The top 10 reasons include:

Student engagement –  boredom, many students just don’t like school

School doesn’t apply to them – scholars can not see the value in education

Chronic absenteeism which leads to Poor grades or failing classes

Lack of resources – help navigating the system

Trauma – 2/3 of all students experience major life trauma during their first 18 years. According to Substance Abuse and mental Health Services Administration – SAMHSA

Could not get along with teachers or peers

Unstable environment – many moves, changes in family or circumstances

Did not feel safe in school

Care giver for a family member

Gang membership


2020 National Center for Education Statistics: over 2 million dropouts 

Approx. 7, 000 students dropout per day

In 2017 Arizona and New Mexico had the lowest graduation rates at 72%

Men dropping out more than women 

Socio economic status is the key indicator 

When scholars do not graduate they are at risk for:

Substance abuse


Teen parenting – women are most likely to be single mothers


Periodic unemployment – 3x as likely than college graduates

Mental illness

Government assistance

Having a high school graduates earn $670 more per week than dropouts, this adds up to over $10,000 per year. 

Future prediction: 65% of all jobs will require additional education after high school.

Now we know the importance of education, how will Paul Revere address these issues and make a better and brighter future for our students and community-

Let me briefly share with you our plan of the great things happening at Paul Revere.

*Trauma informed staff – While educators often feel powerless regarding many of the traumatic experiences our students endure, we have some influence in building their resilience and supporting their ultimate path. One caring adult in a students life makes all the difference.

The impact of child traumatic stress can last well beyond childhood. In fact, research has shown that child trauma survivors may experience:

  • Learning problems, including lower grades and more suspensions and expulsions
  • Increase involvement with the child welfare and juvenile justice systems
  • Long-term health problems (e.g., diabetes and heart disease)

Trauma is a risk factor for nearly all behavioral health and substance use disorders.

Viewing students work through a trauma lens helps staff shift perceptions from “What is wrong with this student?” to “What happened to this student?

This shift effectively reframes the narrative to help school staff better understand how a student’s experience can impact how they view and respond to the world. It’s also empowering for staff to learn that positive experiences with students can tip the balance

*Wrap around services including partnerships with mental health professionals and school counselors. We are working with outside agencies to provide space and time so students get the extra support needed.

*Transportation for disadvantaged students –.  By providing students transportation we  provide a stable school. Many students change schools several times during the year due to lack of home stability.  Paul Revere would be a safe and constant beckon for students to depend. 

*Credit recovery program – Realizing that students who have failed a class does not mean they did not obtain knowledge they need extra support. Through assessments and an individual approach we can identify where the educational holes are and address specific needs catered to the student. 

*After school tutoring – teachers will be available everyday from 2:35-3:30 for extra support. Falling behind in a class happens for many reasons but there has been a huge increase in the last couple of years due to the pandemic.  We are seeing more and more students below grade level and having a difficult time catching up.  Through different assessments we can address those individual needs as well.

*Furthermore, we have the ability to offer Dual enrollment classes. All of our teachers are eligible to teach college credit classes through high school courses. This is an option for anyone interested in getting a jump start on higher education.

*Sports opportunities –  Students who love sports or being part of a team will be able to play football, soccer, cross country, basketball and more. Paul Revere Academy wants to provide as many opportunities to students as possible. Let’s give each student a plethora of options to enjoy their high school experience and develop life long skills such as team work, collaboration, and hard work. 

*Work force ready upon graduation.  Students earn industry certificates while attending Paul Revere through our partnership with EVIT.  Not only will they have the knowledge, hands on training, and confidence to enter quality employment but also the credentials to earn top dollar in their field of choice. 

*With all of these options we hope that students are excited to come to school. To feel a connection from what they are learning in the classroom and real world opportunities. To feel a sense of empowerment and hope for the future. 

Paul Revere offers so many benefits to every student. We continue to break down educational barriers and ensure our students have the support and guidance towards independence and prosperity. We can’t do this alone and we are grateful for your support.  Please share this educational experience with all those you associate with.  Help us get the word out that your future is important and there are amazing options for students to embrace! We Revere our relationships with you, our stakeholders, students, and community.